在TC能源, 我们经常把自己描述为管道运营商或能源生产商, 当然, 我们也修建管道和发电厂.
But the one thing we build more than anything else is long-lasting relationships, 与政府, 社区, 地主, 土著群体, 供应商, vendors, 承建商及公众人士.
与社区建立积极的关系, 比如派克河和圣萨姆巴斯蒂安, 和领导人, 比如圣萨姆巴斯蒂安市长马丁·蒂伯特对TC能源公司很重要.
我们的核心价值观是安全, 责任, 协作, innovation and 完整性 are at the heart of our commitment to stakeholders. 这些价值观指导我们与利益相关者的互动, as we listen to their concerns and incorporate their feedback into our project planning.
- 我们确定并考虑利益相关者的观点
- 我们在社区中是可见的、存在的、可接近的
- 我们认识到各种各样的想法, 意见和经验有助于更好的决策和结果
- 我们为自己的决定和结果承担责任
- 我们跟踪,衡量和报告我们的表现,以学习和改进
虽然我们与成千上万的社区建立了牢固的关系, 以几代人的合作和信任为后盾, we are also committed to earning public confidence from those 社区 we have not yet worked with.
Our stakeholders include people or groups who significantly affect or may be affected by our business activities, 无论是直接还是间接. 无论他们是当地的社区成员, 地主 or 土著群体 -我们承认他们是与土地有独特关系的权利持有人-我们致力于与邻国建立互利关系.
了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱平台我们如何与 土著群体 and 地主.
TC能源与整个社区 资产的生命周期,从项目审批到退役.
通过尽早和经常与利益相关者接触, 我们制定项目计划,为每个参与的人带来更好的结果. Engaging with stakeholders means listening to the needs of all our stakeholders, 提供准确的信息, 并以迅速和一致的方式回应利益相关者的利益.
我们确定潜在环境和社会经济影响的一些方法是在当地举办开放日活动, 进行公开演讲和一对一的讨论. 我们还向利益相关者提供情况说明书, 宣传册, 网站并提供电子邮件和免费电话直接与我们联系.
Once our assets are operational, our engagement with stakeholders doesn’t end. 我们的区域社区联络员继续与我们的利益相关者建立和维持关系,并重点关注社区关系, 公众意识, 应急反应和社区投资 activities throughout the life of the asset.
100% of our operations have local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs
我们的工作人员可以通过电话联系到 热线电话或网上服务
Our engagement activities span local and regional municipalities in six Canadian provinces, 40 U.S. 以及墨西哥的11个州
我所在地区宣布了一个项目. TC能源如何确保保护本地环境?
As part of our commitment to being responsible stewards on the land we share, 并支持监管程序, we assess potential effects that may be associated with construction and operation of a proposed project. 一些与仪表站有关的可能影响的例子, 压缩站或管道工程包括对土壤的潜在影响, water, fish, wildlife, 空气质素及噪音. 通过与社区利益相关者的接触, we also learn important local information that feeds into these assessments and the final project design.
为拟议项目准备的环境和社会经济评估考虑对社区和群体的潜在影响,这些社区和群体的利益可能会影响我们的规划过程, 包括项目影响不同人群的潜力. 我们提出缓解和加强措施,并评估这些措施实施后残余影响的重要性. An 环境al Protection Plan is also developed to identify the necessary measures to be used during construction, 我们使用最佳实践来指导资产在其整个生命周期内的运营,以管理影响并保持同等的土地能力.
TC Energy employs a systematic and thorough route selection process using a variety of considerations, 如:
- 桌面研究
- 直升机调查
- 实地核查和实地调查
- 工程,岩土和环境领域的研究
- co-location of the pipeline along existing disturbances and corridors to minimize new footprints
Route selection takes into account the objectives of minimizing the total route length or land requirements, meeting applicable regulatory requirements and reducing the environmental footprint, while carefully assessing overall construction complexity and our ability to meet customer needs. 从利益相关者处收到的反馈, landowner and 土著 engagement informs the assessment of proposed routes and sites.
我们相信,当我们建立一项资产时,我们暂时借用了土地 了解更多.
During construction there is an increase in traffic in and around the project area as well as heavy equipment onsite. 我们遵守施工计划和环境保护计划,以确保施工活动对社区的影响降到最低.
我们的许多项目包括使用临时工作空间和, 如果需要, 为支持建设而建造了员工宿舍. 如果我们的计划包括这些功能, we begin the conversation with potentially affected stakeholders early on to hear and understand community interests.
进出工地的计划基于许多因素,包括找到最安全和最有效的路线到我们的工作地点, 现有的基础设施, 需要新的基础设施来支持建筑和市政规划. 在整个项目开发过程中,访问规划得到完善,并在开始工作之前向社区传达最终计划.
一旦施工完成, 受影响的土地面积(包括我们的临时工作空间和员工住宿区)已填海至相当的土地容量,以便它可以支持与以前存在的能力类似的各种用途. 采取措施防止表土/地表物质因风蚀和水蚀而流失,并建立适合周围植被和土地利用的植被覆盖. 在设施建成之后, there will be minimal traffic associated with ongoing operations and maintenance.
了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱平台我们如何 在我们资产的整个生命周期内保护环境.
How do you ensure your pipelines are safe after you’ve put them in or near my community?
我们的安全计划在施工前就开始了. 我们只使用高质量的材料, 最新成熟的技术和行业领先的实践,确保我们的管道在进入地下之前的完整性. 我们是北美使用自动焊接和超声波检测技术建造管道的领导者. 这些技术确保了高质量的焊缝,并且在施工过程中每个焊缝都由合格的独立检查员进行检查. 在管道投入使用之前, it is hydrostatically tested with water at a higher pressure than it will see during operations. 除了, 带有高分辨率传感器的管道检查工具在管道中运行,以检查天然气流动之前的任何其他异常情况.
一次操作, 我们使用最先进的泄漏检测系统, safety features such as shut-off valves and provide highly specialized training for people working on our assets. 我们的管道系统全天24小时监控, 一年365天,我们的运营控制中心由训练有素的操作员管理最先进的管道监控设备和技术. 我们行业领先的资产完整性计划管理我们的管道和设施的整个生命周期,以确保它们为整个北美的消费者提供安全可靠的能源.
安全是我们的第一价值 了解更多.
Our regional community liaisons live and work in the 社区 where we already operate facilities, continuing to engage with stakeholders while focusing their efforts on 公众意识, 应急反应和社区投资.
Our goal is to ensure that our pipeline and energy facilities operate safely every day and that the public, 我们的员工, and the environment are protected during the unlikely event of incident involving our assets. All TC Energy safety initiatives are designed to advance one goal: Zero is Real. 我们为拥有行业领先的安全记录而感到自豪,并继续努力实现零安全事故的目标. 当出现问题时,为罕见的情况做好准备是确保我们生活和经营的社区安全的承诺的一部分.
在我们的管道系统出现任何潜在问题的第一时间, our control centre operators can stop the flow of product through the pipeline in minutes and investigate. 如果检测到异常情况, pipeline operators immediately dispatch emergency personnel to the scene to investigate. The pipeline is not restarted until it has been confirmed on site by qualified personnel that it is safe to do so.
万一发生意外, 我们所有的资产——包括管道和发电设施——都有具体的应急响应计划,概述了我们将采取的应对措施. 我们的应急准备和响应团队专注于快速有效地应对紧急情况,并减轻可能对公共安全造成的任何影响, 及时保护财产或环境. 如果发生意外, 我们与当局密切合作, emergency responders and the media to ensure local residents are safe and aware of the situation.
如遇紧急情况,请与相关人员联系 TC能源紧急联系电话.