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The payments and schedule for dividends on TC能源's common shares follows below. 股息以加元支付, 并在董事会宣布时支付. 


*按第二季度申报金额0美元计算.每股96元. CAGR是复合年均增长率.


注:5月15日, 2003, TC能源 (then TransCanada Corporation) received regulatory approval to establish it as the parent company of TransCanada PipeLines Limited. 有关安排的进一步资料,请参阅TC能源公司的常见问题解答.



Allows registered common and preferred shareholders to reinvest their cash dividends in additional common shares of TC能源. Participants are not required to pay brokerage commissions or administrative fees.

从7月27日宣布的股息开始, 2023, common shares purchased with reinvested cash dividends under TC能源’s 股息再投资和股票购买计划 (DRP) will no longer be satisfied with shares issued from treasury at a discount but rather will be acquired on the Toronto Stock Exchange at 100 per cent of the weighted average purchase price. The DRP is available for dividends payable on TC能源’s common and preferred shares.

Full investment of all funds is possible since fractional shares are also credited to the participant’s account. 语句 of Account are mailed to participants each quarter detailing the investments made on their behalf.



可在任何时候选择现金支付, 但付款必须由我们的计划代理接收, Computershare投资者服务, 公司. at least three business days prior to the dividend payment dates which are generally the last business day of each of January, 4月, 七月及十月.

可选择的现金支付 can be made through the authorization/enrollment form (below).


Beneficial shareholders may be able to enroll through their brokerage firm and should contact their broker. Registered shareholders are required to complete the authorization/enrollment form (below).

加拿大的投资者 (51kb, pdf)
加拿大投资者、法国投资者 (59kb, pdf)
美国投资者 (59kb, pdf)
英语 (56kb, pdf)
法国 (49kb, pdf)
