可再生天然气(RNG)是一种清洁可靠的燃料,通常由, please…animal waste! 当废物分解时,它会产生甲烷,一种自然产生的温室气体. The methane is captured, eliminating it from the atmosphere, and then processed to use as an energy source. 这有助于满足日益增长的能源需求,同时向更清洁的能源过渡.
The U.S. 利用各种能源来支持其大约3.3亿人口. Prominent in that energy mix is natural gas, thanks to its local abundance, affordability, reliability and lower emissions compared with other hydrocarbons.
天然气是世界上最清洁、最安全的能源之一,用于烹饪食物和取暖, hospitals, businesses and industry.
As rightsholders, Indigenous groups have a distinct relationship to the land, 因此,我们认识到,我们的商业活动有可能以切实的方式影响他们.
For TC Energy, Sustainability is about meeting today’s energy needs—safely, 既可靠又经济,同时为我们的未来能源找到负责任的解决方案.
“从你早上起床到晚上睡觉, 很难找到一个不用管道输送能源的时刻.” – Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA)
使用天然气既是一个聪明的想法,也是一个很好的方式来完成从供暖到做饭的一切, to generating electricity.
Coastal GasLink将通过将天然气输送到加拿大液化天然气公司的设施,帮助向世界提供更清洁的能源.
NGTL系统可以是一个气体分子从东北B移动的开始.C. to Mexico City. Is the NGTL System a part of your life?